Thursday, 13 September 2018

Impromptu Speeches or speaking at short notice

Peter Martindale
How often are you required to speak without notice, and without being given any time to prepare your thoughts. This might be at a party in front of friends and family or at a work meeting in front of colleagues.

Here are my tips to think about when you are preparing to speak – the main aim is to say something that has a central idea, that is short and to the point and that engages your audience. Managing nerves can be difficult with short notice, however, make sure to smile! This will relax you and help you be comfortable – your nerves will dissipate and your audience will also relax. 

  • An impromptu speech is like any other – it needs an opening to make the audience listen, a body to develop the idea and the conclusion to leave the audience with your message.
  • Stick with one central idea and a few main points as time will not permit proper theme development.
  • Walk slowly to your speaking spot, glance at your audience, smile and then speak – it gives you some thinking time and sets the scene.
  • Connect your thoughts to real life experiences and draw on something worthwhile – an opinion, a memory, an experience. Think on your feet!
  • Don’t feel obliged to fill in the time with “white noise”. Say what you need to and sit down.
  • Keep it simple;; use short sentences and don’t be afraid of pausing. This will reduce the tendency to “um” and “er”. Focus on vocal variation and voice colour.
  • Finally, enjoy the opportunity to shine!
Peter Martindale, Adelaide Public Speaking, Rostrum Member

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