Breathing is the Secret for Variation in a Speech
Changing your breathing will change your Tone, Tempo, Volume and Intensity and at the same time be in sync with your gestures and changes in your facial expressions and body language.You can train for variation in your speech much like you train in a gym.
- Speak out loud with two fingers in your mouth (or a 1-inch ruler) to open your mouth, loosen your jaw muscles, and if English is not your first language, to develop English speaking muscles.
Do this exercise for 10 seconds at a time 10 times a day. - Practice breathing HIGH and speaking in HIGH Tone,
- Then breathing MID and speaking in MID Tone,
- Then breathing LOW (Diaphragm) and speaking in LOW Tone.
- Clamp a pencil in your teeth as far back in the mouth as possible to develop clarity and clearer enunciation through the accentuated movement of your lips and tongue.
Do this exercise for 10 seconds at a time 10 times a day. - Practice breathing HIGH and speaking in HIGH Tone,
- Then breathing MID and speaking in MID Tone,
- Then breathing LOW (Diaphragm) and speaking in LOW Tone.
- Practise to develop a boomerang ear - hear the ‘how’ of your speaking - your variation in Tone, Temp, Volume and Intensity.
It will assist you to move your hand from the front of your mouth as you speak the words to your ear. This is feedback for you. It will help you to improve even as you speak. Become aware that as your Tone, Tempo, Volume is changing so does your breathing change. - Practise your speech out loud at least 3 times to connect head with mouth with boomerang ear.
- Inhale and exhale deeply and smoothly - repeat 5 times.
- Inhale deeply and sigh as you exhale - repeat 5 times eg deep breath....ahhhh ---aim to hold breathe for 5 seconds.
- Inhale deeply and count 1,2,3,4,5 - for as long as you can on one breath. Say the numbers clearly by opening mouth & moving lips. Repeat 5 times. Do this exercise for 10 seconds at a time 10 times a day.
- Practice breathing HIGH and speaking in HIGH Tone
- Then breathing MID and speaking in MID Tone
- Then breathing LOW (Diaphragm) and speaking in LOW Tone
To Increase Volume Register
- Increase volume as you count 1,2,3,4,5.
- Begin on volume of 5 and decrease volume as you count 5,4,3,2,1.
- Practice breathing HIGH and speaking in HIGH Tone
- Then breathing MID and speaking in MID Tone
- Then breathing LOW (Diaphragm) and speaking in LOW Tone.
To Create Variation in Tone
High Tone, Fast Tempo, Loud Volume - Soprano
Breathe high - holding left hand high up in chest and count 1,2,3,4,5, then count down 5,4,3,2,1.
Mid Tone, Mid Tempo, Mid Volume – Alto
Breathe Mid – holding hand in middle on chest and count 1,2,3,4,5, ten count down 5,4,3,2,1.
Low Tone, Slow Tempo, Soft Volume – Bass
Breathe low in diaphragm – holding hand low over diaphragm and count 1,2,3,4,5, then count down 5,4,3,2,1.
Do the above exercises daily at least 5 times sequentially until the changes in breathing become second nature.
The following chart shows this information:
by John Lizzio
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