Friday, 21 July 2017

Your role as a public speaker in the community

If you are in a jumping contest, you win by clearing the bar at the highest level.  You impress the crowd. You have studied technique, practised your run-up, coordinated your arms with your legs and perfected the last move to clear the bar.

In speaking competitions, the winner is the person who ticks all the boxes for adjudicators and impresses the crowd. The winner has studied techniques, practised opening lines, matched gesture with their speech, and perfected their conclusion.

As athletes gets older, who will take their place? Some champions also inspire the next generation. Some understand the benefits to be gained from mentoring and encouraging the next generation. In Rostrum, our situation is much the same. Do you remember to encourage the next generation? Do you spend time to promote the benefits of Rostrum?

  • visit a school to promote Voice of Youth
  • put up a Rostrum poster at work and at your local cafe
  • have a Rostrum business card handy
Remember the BAR:

  • BENEFITS of joining Rostrum 
    • speaking skills, presentation skills, meeting skills that are valuable in business, in community organisations, for family celebrations, for job interviews.
  • ACTION needed –
    • go to the Rostrum website for information. Invite your friend or colleague to your club meeting, or another club to suit day and time. Hand out a Rostrum business card today.
    • Enjoy the rewards of Rostrum membership yourself. Increased confidence and competence in any situation requiring a presentation to other people.
Dave Asten Tasmania

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